First documentary mention of a field location "am Jüden Kirchof"
First documentary mention of a field location "am Jüden Kirchof"
In Wilhelm Moritz von Hessberg's letter of protection, the Jewish burial ground "am steig" is mentioned
First mention of the purchase deed for the acquisition of the cemetery plot
The Hochstift Würzburg buys the rights to the Rödelsee Jewish
cemetery from Friedrich Sigmund von Hessberg, including the gravedigger's house in the village
Foundation of the burial brotherhood (Chewra Kadischa) to carry out ritual
burials in accordance with the Torah, with members from the entire
cemetery district
Recorded destruction and desecration
Issuance of cemetery regulations
Foundation of the "Verein israelitischer Friedhofsbezirk Rödelsee e.V." association under private law
Conversion and extension of the Tahara House
Destruction of the Tahara House on November 10 through arson
Last burials.
Hermann Löwenstein, the last cemetery caretaker, and his family are deported to Auschwitz
The owner will be the Landesverband israelitischer Kultusgemeinden in Bayern
Restoration of the desecrated cemetery; demolition of the ruins of the Tahara House
Erection of a memorial stone for the Jews murdered in the Shoah
Start of ongoing research and publications by experts and laypeople
on the cemetery and the biographies of the deceased
The Association for the Promotion of the Former Kitzingen Synagogue initiates the "Jewish Cemetery Network
Rödelsee" for 15 communities in the former cemetery district
The municipality of Rödelsee is transforming the forecourt into a place of information and
Source: Schlumberger, Hans; Haas Hans-Christof in: "More than Stones, Synagogue Memorial Volume Bavaria
Volume III/2.2" , p. 987- 1019, Neuendettesau 2021
Photo credits: Archive of the Association for the Promotion of the Former Kitzingen Synagogue
Würzburg State Archives, Würzburg Drawings and Plans I/48; 1687
City Archive Fürth, copperplate engraving from 1705